Soviet Union #15 avidas sabonis red basket...
Lithuania League # 1 Shirt Color blue
Lithuania League # 1 Shirt White
Streetball # 32 yellow shirt
Bill Walton # 33 helix High School Green E...
University of North Carolina # 23 wathet U...
University of North Carolina #15 wathet Un...
University of North Carolina #2 wathet Uni...
NCAA University of Michigan # 25 Juwan How...
NCAA University of Michigan # 5 Jalen Rose...
NCAA University of Michigan # 4 Chris Webb...
NCAA blue # 32 [Christian Leitner of Duke ...
2000 Carter death button blue jersey
2000 Carter death button white jersey
1992 Barcelona Olympic Games American drea...
NCAA University of Gonzaga #24 white unive...
NCAA University of Gonzaga #2 white univer...
NCAA University of Gonzaga #1 white univer...